Reading, Maths, Literacy and a Secret
For reading I have been reading White Lie, Black Dare It was a really good book it is about where her mum gets cancer and she has to go to a different school because she could not afford that school anymore and then she gets into a gang and she has to do a dare that is really dangerous and could end bad. It is a really good book and I highly Recommend it.
For Literacy we have been working on Anzac that is a really fun topic still because it is something I wouldn't really search up on if we did not do it in school. Anzac is a really big thing in grey mouth because all of the NZ soldiers died on that day serving our Land. Soldiers have a lot of bravery for serving our Country because not many people do that
For maths we have been doing a lot of maths including Maths Maintenance (Basic facts but different questions) Word Problems and basic facts with a little bit of maths buddy doing Term 1 Week 9 or whatever week it is. It is a really fun thing to do to learn more stuff. But more impotent in maths i learned circumference of a circle and we did a little more work with the teacher on short division and turning the reminder into a decimal.
The Mystery was making cupcakes for the family fiesta and I made rainbow ones that look OK but the rain bow strips do not stay up they just always fall down. But there are some really cool designs that my class have done. It was really cool and I am going to try to
bid on some people cupcakes because they look awesome. Here is a sample
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